Have you mastered the Basics and are looking for something new and fun? We have a variety of classes and dog sports that fit the bill!
BEYOND THE BASICS + TRICKS (and all the things!): 5-week course for dog 8 months and up.
This intermediate level class has a little bit of everything! You will continue your work from The Basics by playing games and doing activities that incorporate distractions, proofing and chaining behaviors. We will also start Trick training and will learn & practice tricks needed for passing the AKC’s Trick Dog Title test. Tricks title testing is offered on the last week of class if the student desires (price included in the class fee). We will also work on skills and cues for low-stress handling and grooming (the dreaded toe nail trims).
Prerequisite: One of the following classes at DDO: The Basics, Teens & Tweens Jumpstart , Training Games OR prior instructor approval (video evaluation may be required $25). Student should have a base understanding of the following skills in a space with other dogs present: Focus, Touch, Sit, Down, Leave It, Go to Mat/Place, Stay/Wait (short distance), Recall (short distance), Loose Leash Walking and handler using a clicker or other marker (verbal ok). No prong collars or leash corrections used. INSTRUCTOR: Danette Johnston, CPDT-KA, Certified Fear Free Trainer, Certified Family Dog Mediator, AKC CGC and Tricks evaluator.
TEENS & TWEENS JUMPSTART: 3 week course for pups 5-24 months. Register on Puppy & Teens Programs page.
In this course we will help you understand what is going on in that teenage brain, how best to communicate with your pup, and how to create an enthusiastic learner for the rest of her life. Each week we cover specific behaviors & skills: Week 1 – Attention and Relaxation, Week 2- Loose Leash Walking, Week 3 – Jumping Up & Greetings, Leave It. This quick 3-week class is meant to give you some quick tips and jump start your management and training techniques for your adolescent dog. Background on management and how dogs learn is covered in the 75 minute recorded webinar “Behavior Basics – stuff you need to know!” (included with this course) that you can watch anytime. We also facilitate short play sessions in this class if appropriate with the dogs in attendance.
INSTRUCTORS: Danette Johnston, CPDT-KA, CFFT, FDM and Cynthia Howell, CPDT-KA, CCS, FDM
TRAINING GAMES (FOR FOCUS & FUN!): 5 week (50 min) course for dogs over 6 months old
In this game-based class, your dog will learn how to relax, focus and reliably respond to you even when in highly distracting environments. You (human) will also learn behavior management strategies and how to regain the dog’s attention when your dog is distracted. This is a great class for a performance dog, agility dog, excitable dog, service or therapy dog in training or anyone who wants to improve control of their dog in the public. INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT. This class is NOT appropriate for Reactive Dogs. If your dog is showing the followings, you dog needs to attend Reactive ReDo instead:
- Barking excessively or/and lunging when he sees the other dogs and cannot be redirected easily
- Freezes and won’t eat treats when he sees the other dogs
- Growling and pulling on a leash more intensely when another dog approaches
- Shaking, whining, pacing and trying to hide behind the owner when another dog approaches
CANINE GOOD CITIZEN CLASS: 5 week course for dogs 10 months and older (1 year recommended)
This intermediate level class specifically covers the skills to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen test that will be offered on the last week of class. This is a great prep class for taking your dog to public spaces like cafes, therapy or service dog work.
Prerequisite: One of the following classes at DDO: The Basics, Teens & Tweens Jumpstart , Training Games OR prior instructor approval (video evaluation may be required $25). Student should have a base understanding of the following skills in a space with other dogs present: Focus, Touch, Sit, Down, Leave It, Go to Mat/Place, Stay/Wait (short distance), Recall (short distance), Loose Leash Walking and handler using a clicker or other marker (verbal ok). No prong collars or leash corrections used. Email: Info@dogsdayoutseattle.com for approval.
INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT, CGC Evaluator, Certified Service Dog Trainer-Atlas Assistance Dogs
FUN-GILITY!: 5 week course (classes are 50 minutes).
LEVEL 1: This five-week class will introduce the obstacles including Jump, A-Frame, Dogwalk, Tunnel, Teeter, Weave Poles, and some basic handling. Fun-gility is a wonderful, confidence-building class, where dogs will get some exercise and have some fun. It is also a great way to expand your dog’s thinking skills, balance capabilities, and ability to negotiate obstacles in a safe, confident manner. Many tricks taught in the class are not only fun, but also help engage your dog’s interest in fun activities. Dog must be fully grown and non-reactive in an indoor group class setting. This class is NOT appropriate for Reactive Dogs.
LEVEL 2: Let’s continue the fun! This class is for the students who’ve already taken the Fun-agility Level 1. We will start working on different types of crosses, lead outs, and improving your handling skill to run longer and more challenging courses. You and your dogs will love this class. You’ll get the opportunity to do some fun exercises together each week! Dogs must be non-reactive in an indoor group class setting
Instructor: Keiko Swanberg, CPDT-KA. This class is NOT appropriate for Reactive Dogs.
4-week course (75 minutes) for graduates of The Basics OR Graduates of Training Games for Focus & Fun, Teens & Tweens Jumpstart and Reactive ReDo with instructor approval only. 1 year and up.
Take your training to the streets! This class will start at DDO and then head outside to downtown Burien. Week 1 will start with skills review inside including mat training/settling, engagement and loose leash walking. We will then practice our leash walking skills outside. On week 2 and 3 we will meet at DDO and spend approximately 15-20 minutes inside and then break into 2 groups of 3 (each with an instructor) and visit various dog-friendly businesses in downtown Burien. The class ends with a return to DDO to debrief and relax for approximately 15 minutes. On week 4, you will have a choice of locations we have visited prior to grab some dinner and picnic in the park, or perhaps have a beer at the local brewery with your classmates! This class is also offered for Puppies & Teens – see Puppy & Teens Programs Page for info and registration.
Prerequisite: The Basics (taken at DDO). Graduates of Training Games for Focus & Fun, Teens & Tweens Jumpstart or Reactive ReDo may be eligible with instructor approval only. For approval, email your name, dog’s name and the class you completed to: Info@dogsdayoutseattle.com. Do not register until you have received approval. This class is limited to 6 dogs with 2 (we always have a good time!) INSTRUCTORS: Danette Johnston, CPDT-KA, CFFP, FDM and Sugako Sasaki, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT, FDM, FFCP
COOPERATIVE CARE FOR GROOMING & HANDLING: 6 week (50 min) for dogs over 6 months old
Unfortunately, sometimes we have to do things (baths, toenail trims, ear cleaning etc.) to our dogs that they may find aversive. Cooperative care training can make a huge difference in reducing your dog’s fear, anxiety and stress during vet visits, grooming and in-home care. Step-by-step desensitization training will help increase cooperative skills in dogs. In this class, we will focus on strengthening the communication pathway, teaching skills such as a chin rest, muzzle training, body handling, ear cleaning, eye drop and injection administration and the dreaded nail trimming! This class is NOT appropriate for Reactive Dogs. If your dog is reactive (barking/ lunging etc. )when around other dogs, private lessons would be more suitable. INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT
NAIL CARE: 3 week (50 min) course for dogs over 6 months old
Nail care can be scary for a lot of dogs. During this mini course we will address the anxiety associated with nail trimming by breaking it down into manageable steps. We will explore different options for nail care such as nail trimmers, files and scratch boards. For dogs with an established history of fear regarding nail care, it may take more that 3 sessions of individualized attention to progress through that learning history but we will certainly get you started!This class is NOT appropriate for Reactive Dogs.
TEEN PLAY GROUP and TEENS CAMP: Play sessions for dogs 4.5 months -24 months of age. ALL DOGS 1 YEAR AND OLDER MUST BE SPAYED/NEUTERED. Drop off play group for dog-friendly adolescent dogs with a certified trainer monitoring. If you choose (and particularly if your dog is shy or nervous) you are allowed and encouraged to stay for all or part of the session. Sessions are limited to 6 dogs. Vaccination record and proof of spay (for dogs 1 year and older; no females in heat) must be emailed prior to session: Info@dogsdayoutseattle.com. Pre-registration required. See Puppy & Teens Programs Page for Registration Links!
SPECIAL FOR SUMMER: SUMMER KIDS’ CAMP!! For kids 9-14 years of age and their dogs 6 months and up. No parents allowed! This class meets for one hour for 5 consecutive days. We will cover how our dogs learn, using a marker, teaching basic skills such as sit, down as well as getting your dog’s attention and a whole bunch of fun (lure and targeting) tricks! Dogs will also get some play time so we can talk about canine body language and play. All students will get a treat pouch and clicker of their own to take home.
Child must be able to hold onto the dog’s leash and dog must be both dog and people friendly and non-reactive.
CANINE ENRICHMENT FOR ALL DOGS: 2-Hour workshop for dogs over 6 months
In this workshop, your dog will explore activities and games from 6 enrichment categories that work her brain and body. These 6 enrichment types are: Environmental, Social, Physical, Occupational, Nutritional and Sensory. This session may include, among others, the games: “What’s in the bag, girl,” “Check the groceries,” “Sushi Roll,” “Bring the Outside In,” and “Platform Tricks.” Join your most creative instructor for an afternoon of fun!
INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT. AKC CGC/Tricks Evaluator
Looking for some fun things to do with your dog but need ideas or don’t know just where to start? In this class, you can try a few on for size and see how you and your dog like them. In this workshop, you will get to try different enrichment games that you can do at home utilizing Creative Feeding, Trick Training, Nosework and Agility principles.. Research (and anyone who has ever lived with a dog!) tells us our dogs need more than just physical exercise; they also need to exercise their brains! Enrichment improves and enhances your dog’s mental state using a range of activities that are designed to challenge and exercise their brains. These activities encourage your dog to problem solve, learn new skills and become more confident. By allowing your dog to engage in her innate behaviors, such as playing, chasing, smelling, chewing and scavenging, you allow her to be physically, emotionally and mentally satisfied. For this class, dogs must be non-reactive and friendly to both dogs and humans. INSTRUCTOR: Danette Johnston, CPDT-KA, FDM, CFFP
LEASH WALKING/RECALL WORKSHOP: 2 hour class for dogs + their humans. Dogs must be 5 months and older.
In this 2 – hour class we will tackle two of the biggest issues people have with their dog – walking on a loose leash and getting their dog to come! We will discuss, demo and practice easy loose leash walking techniques as well as easy ways to teach your dog the oh-so-important reliable recall cue.
Dogs must be non-reactive with others dogs (meaning that are not lunging, barking, snapping at others when on leash). Normal young dog exuberance is OK but if your dog is not able to redirect to you please ask us if our Reactive ReDo class may be more appropriate for you. INSTRUCTORS: This workshop taught by Danette Johnston, CPDT-KA and Cynthia Howell, CPDT-KA
Listen up, music and trick lovers… just in time for the holidays, we are going to form a band to play a special song!
In this quick 1-hour, one-time workshop, your dog will learn an advanced Nose-Hand target skill to perform a song in the DDO canine holiday band! The instructor will edit a music video for you to share with the world (or at least your friends and family)! Requirements: Age 18 months and up. Your dog must not be reactive to dogs or humans. Your dog must not be sensitive to sound. INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT, FDM, CFFP
In this workshop, you will learn how to teach total 10 tricks! You can get evaluated by the AKC trick evaluator to get the Novice trick title by American Kennel Club! All dogs (18 month up) are welcome! Requirements: Age 18 months and up. No leash reactive dog including dog-to-dog aggression. No dog with resource guarding, owner guarding or space guarding. INSTRUCTOR: Sugako Sasaki, CPDT-KA, IAABC-ADT. AKC CGC/Tricks Evaluator
K9 Nosework: Please visit our K9 Nosework page for classes, course outline, and instructor information.
How much do classes cost? Please see our rates and services page for class, daycare and seminar costs.
When are classes offered? See the SCHEDULE for a listing of all classes/location offered this season.
How do I sign up? Click listing on the right side of this page for specialty classes offered this season.