OK. So, Kelly Ripa the host of Live with Kelly and Whoever said a really stupid thing pit bulls this week.
Confession: I’ve always liked Kelly Ripa. In fact, when she took over for Kathy Lee Gifford with Regis I was cheering. Really, I thought she was great. I thought finally, a funny, “real” mom. I’ll watch her. In reality, I am under no disillusion that I know nothing about Kelly Ripa and I don’t really care. I liked her for what she was ON TV.
Anyway, the Pit Bull blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter etcetera are all in a downright, uptight TIZZY right now. I looked at the clip of what she said. Yes, it was dumb, ill informed and ignorant. However, for some reason, instead of feeling the need to attack Kelly (perhaps because of my past affection for her), I happen to see this as a fantastic opportunity to bring the real (goofy, affectionate, family pet) Pit Bulls into the mainstream media! I can’t imagine Wallace the Pit Bull and Hector the Pit Bull’s publicists haven’t been trying to contact LIVE since the minute the comment aired. For goodness sake, Kelly even said it during Pit Bull Awareness month – she couldn’t have timed it better! Take a look at those Facebook sites, Twitter feeds and just look up Pit Bulls – you will see a plethora of awesome Pit Bulls just waiting for their chance at national stardom (if only for a 3 minute segment). Heck, call Rachel Ray, she talks nonstop, some of it even about her rescued Pit Bull.
If the producers of LIVE are smart and Kelly is the normal, casual gal (that sometimes says stupid things, God knows I’ve said a few myself) she portrays, they will own up, say it was a dumb thing to say and parade out a bunch cool Pitties for all of America to see. I’m happy to find them a few; in fact, Rufus and I would love to take a free trip to NYC anytime. Calling her a “stupid b@t%h” and much, much worse in blogs, on Facebook and Twitter doesn’t help our Pit Bulls’ cause. Show LIVE your awesome Pit Bull instead. Maybe it’s because I was raised in the South, but I still truly believe you catch more flies with honey… Don’t HATE (Kelly), EDUCATE AND DEMONSTRATE!
Want to know more about the truth about Pit Bulls?
Come to our PITTIE PARTY! At Dog’s Day Out in Ballard Sunday, November 11 4:00pm-5:30pm, $25
PITTIE PARTY: 1.5 hour seminar for humans only. Pre-registration required.
What exactly is a “Pit Bull”? What do we know about these dogs? Are they different from other dogs? Are they vicious or are they “nanny” dogs? What specific challenges or issues may guardians of these dogs incur? In this seminar we will discuss all of these questions as well as cover the history, temperament, behavioral/training and societal issues specific to these “Bully” breeds, including American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Bull Terriers, Pit Bull-Types, and all those mixes thereof! INSTRUCTOR: Danette Johnston, CPDT and Pittie guardian.