Recently, I had three phone calls within a 10-day period from three different families who were looking for immediate help because their dog bit their…
Compassion Fatigue in Dog Trainers
Five years ago today I euthanized my dog Pualani. Her story is heartbreaking and complicated and I still think of her, and what I could…
All About Cats!
Those of you who know me well know that my first love was not actually dogs but cats, and even though I now make my…
My Dog is Not a Robot
When I first adopted my dog Rufus he was about a year old and came into the shelter with no history. Like most dogs I…
Barking is a normal, natural behavior for dogs but it is also the behavior that seems to cause the most conflict between dogs and humans…
Please don’t be one of “those people.”
I read this fantastic article last week so, while we are on the subject of rants from a dog professional, I have something I need…
Don’t Fear the Clicker!
I see a lot of clients who are very resistant to using a clicker. I get it. It’s something new, now you have another thing…
How Will I Know When To Let Go?
Clients and friends often ask me “how will I know when to let my dog go?” Physical aspects we look for to help us make…
Crate Training
Crates are fantastic tools when used correctly with dogs. A crate aids in housetraining a dog very quickly but more importantly, I believe, a crate…
Tips For Boarding Your Dog
As much as we would like to take our dogs everywhere we go, sometimes we must leave them home. There are a few things I…